Electroni cs Design Group, LLC

...Innovative Product Design and Development

Frequently Asked Questions

When the design is complete, who owns it?

The customer pays for the design to be done for them.  When the design is complete, the customer owns the design - not us.  We would request that any patents applied for would list Electronics Design Group, LLC.

Why should I out-source my project?

There are many reasons to out-source a project, but the primary reason is cost.  Training costs for bringing in someone with less experience. Opportunity costs for what your current staff cannot progress on while working on another task.  Out-sourcing a project or portions of a project will allow progress to be made quickly without adding to your current staff.

How do you quote a project?

Depending upon how well defined the project is will determine the final cost.  For projects that are well defined, we are experienced in making fixed price quotes for the time and material required.  With less defined projects, time and material costs cannot be defined as easily.  For these types of designs, an hourly rate and material costs are presented to the customer on a regular basis.

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